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In the home

The ‘Practical Solutions at Home’ approach recognises that when a child experiences a challenge in their development or learning, this does not mean it is a permanent characteristic. Moreover, I understand that at a specific time in their life, a child may be experiencing some additional needs that need to be recognised, acknowledged and supported.

‘All children can learn and develop given the right input’.

Education Endowment Trust report: Working with parents to support children’s learning

Practical Solutions at Home works with the family to find solutions when children experience difficulties. These may include difficulties in:


  • Cognition and Learning

  • Communication and Interaction

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health

  • Sensory and Physical


Parents and families are equal partners in the Practical Solutions at Home approach. We will work together, using your knowledge and understanding of your child: what they enjoy: what they find difficult and how they experience the world, to develop a clear, time bound plan of support. The context of the family is central to this process. I ensure the programme for the child is also matched to the family needs and the Practical Solutions are in line with what is achievable within the family dynamics, commitments and structure. I celebrate and make use of the things that are working and look for alternatives to those that are not.

How it works

Phase 1
Meeting 1: Initial consultation and information gathering meeting
Up to 30 minutes play observation involving your child, myself and key adults in the family. 30-45 minutes follow up discussion and clarification of information

Report 1: You will receive a detailed report, within one week of the initial meeting, highlighting possible needs and identifying a range of possible objectives to work on and strategies

You may choose to complete your engagement with the process at this phase 1.

Alternatively, you can select the full package.
This comprises of Phase 1 and Phase 2

Phase 2
Meeting 2:
Action Planning meeting
This meeting takes between 45 minutes and 1 hour. During this time, we will jointly agree, up to three achievable, relevant and child centred goals that are personalised to meet your child’s needs. Once these are agreed I will share practical, concrete, evidence-based strategies, which will support you to support your child to achieve the goals set. I will also identify resources that can be used to help you to achieve the success desired.

Report 2: You will receive this report within one week of the Action Planning meeting. The report will detail and summarise the goals decided upon and the most effective strategies to meet them. References will be given to resources that can be used or purchased and, where possible, resources may be provided.

During the next 6-8 weeks the family and child will work together to consistently follow the plan, using the strategies and resources detailed. (During this period, I am available via text or email if any further clarification is needed).

At the end of the agreed period, we will meet together to review the goals and measure progress.

Meeting 3
Review of Action Plan, measuring its success and impact achieved for your child. It’s important to remember that progress is not linear and re appraisal of progress towards the outcomes of the plan need to be kept in mind

Report 3
Report 3 summarising the results of the plan and outcomes for your child with possible next steps

On request, the cycle can then start again with the next steps and a new set of goals in light of the progress made.

Please note I do not make diagnoses. I make suggestions for solutions based upon the behaviour or concerns the child is presenting with

I look forward to working with you so that together we can make a difference

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