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About me

As an educator working directly with children and young people for over 30 years I have a broad range of experience in a variety of settings. I have worked in mainstream schools; special schools and for the local authority in an advisory capacity. As a SENDco I have worked closely with Educational Psychologists. The support I offer aims to translate and enhance existing knowledge a school has about a child into practical solutions that class teachers and teaching assistants can implement.  I work with children aged from 4 to 16. Over the years my skills set has broadened and diversified. I am a strong believer in the power of education at every level, and its ability to open doors for children and young people to pursue their dreams and ambitions.

I am passionate about ensuring that the best possible learning experiences are provided for children and I look for practical ways to support teachers to meet the needs of their individual pupils and the challenges they both may face in achieving this.


Please look at the services I have available, working either in school or in the home. I can also build other packages of support tailored for children with special needs, including children with pupil premium funding; Looked After Children; children with safeguarding needs and children with diagnosed or undiagnosed SEND

Qualifications and Employment

Qualified Teacher Status

National Professional Qualification for Headship

Mainstream Primary class teacher 

Mainstream Special Needs Co-ordinator

Consultant SENCO Local Authority

Mainstream Deputy Head Teacher Primary
Mainstream Head Teacher Primary

Mainstream School Consultancy

Post 16 Special Education employment tutor

Local Authority Outreach Support Teacher

Autism Education Trust Trainer

Short Course Training
Autism Education Trust Training Tier 1 and Tier 2

Dyscalculia Training

PECS Level 1

Introduction to Signalong

The Memory Lite Classroom

Get it right for SEN, Get it right for all

The Dyslexia Friendly Classroom

Maximising the Performance of Teaching Assistants. Supporting SEN students with maths

Visual perception and fine motor skills

Supporting social language difficulties

Contact Me

With a base on the South Coast I can work with schools from Devon to Hampshire


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